Monday, February 7, 2011

Letter No. II - The Ancient Works

Marietta Intelligencer, January 30, 1855

Dear. Mr. Editor:

. . . One of the pleasantest walks about Marietta is that which takes you across the elevated square and past the mounds in its neighborhood; but it almost makes me angry to attempt it, for I am compelled to witness the spoilations which are continually going on among our ancient works - the covered way especially.  I do really wonder if the spirit of reverence has died out entirely among our citizens!  One would surely think so.  I don't know how I should feel if I was a big influential MAN - but as it is, I am ready to blush when ever these things are mentioned, as they invariably are by strangers visiting the place as the objects most note-worthy about here.  And I have noticed in all the letters from and about Marietta, either in this paper or others, that with but one exception The Ancient Works have furnished a prominent topic.

Those mounds, the relics of those once mighty Indians now no more, and the Campus Martius - the covered way - which we should cherish as almost sacred monuments of the perils of our brave forefathers - all "passing away" and there is a road cut through the covered way in one place while the rest is being dug away to be made into brick, I believe!  Oh Young America!

M. Ellen Winthrope

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