Wednesday, October 2, 2024

The Telegraph

The Marietta Intelligencer, February 10, 1848

A meeting of the citizens of Marietta and Harmar was held at the Court House on Tuesday evening, which was addressed by T. C. H. Smith, Esq., agent of the New Orleans and Ohio Telegraph Line, who presented some interesting statements respecting various telegraphic lines, and invited our citizens to subscribe stock in the Company which he represents, and thus secure an office at this place.

The amount of stock required here is only $5000. Our citizens will be called upon in a day or two for their subscriptions, and we cannot doubt that the full amount will be promptly subscribed.

We suppose it can hardly be necessary to say a word respecting the importance of this enterprize. It is enough that our citizens know that the stock will be profitable, and if taken that the line will be completed within four months, and we be thus speedily placed upon a footing of equality with citizens of towns which are now enjoying the advantages of this wonderful instrument of communication.

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