Thursday, November 1, 2012


Western Spectator, November 13, 1810

To people in other parts of the Union the movements of the waters in this western country must appear somewhat remarkable.  Owing to the extreme unevenness of the tract of territory extending a considerable distance in this state on the right bank of the Ohio, and in Virginia and Pennsylvania to the Great Allegany ridge, on the left bank; the rise of water in this river is sometimes astonishingly rapid.

Three days ago the Ohio was so low as to be almost impassable for keelboats.  To day it is almost full banks, and threatens to inundate the upper Point of Marietta.  The rise from night fall on Sunday evening to day break the next morning is said to have been about thirty feet; and has backed up the Muskingum nearly twelve miles.  This retrograde current on Monday morning was great that several New-Orleans boats lost their way in the fog, and were hailed at some distance up the Muskingum!

We learn that a considerable quantity of snow was on the mountains; this must have melted, and much rain must have fallen on the banks of the Monongahela.  We have heard that a great part of Pittsburgh has been laid under water.  We have had comparatively little rain here.  Fifteen miles up the Muskingum we are told, that river has scarcely risen six inches.

Much produce, which has been long waiting, is embarked and embarking on the Ohio.

The counter-current up the creeks has materially injured a number of mills in this county, particularly those on Duck-creek.  We hope the water is nearly at its height.

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