Monday, March 4, 2013

Floods Rage Over the Entire State

The Register-Leader, Tuesday, March 25, 1913

Cloudbursts Cause Rivers to Rush From Their Banks and Reservoirs to Crumble Under Force of Water.

Mad Torrents Break Over Cities and Towns, Catching Residents Unawares and Carrying Them to Death - People Leave Valuables Behind and Flee to Hills For Their Lives - Flood at Dayton Rivals That at Johnstown, Pa., Many Years Ago.

Millions Lost at Akron - 500 Homeless - More than 500 families are homeless, the big rubber factories and other plants are closed down as the result of the worst flood in history.  Property loss is estimated at one million.  There is danger of the big reservoir breaking here.

Streets of Cincinnati Are Inundated - The deep muddy waters of the Miami river are rushing through the down town streets.  Many of the streets in the business section are impassable, except by boats.  The Mad and Stillwater rivers are swelling and hurling their walls of water into the city.

Dayton Suffers Worst of All the Cities - A private dispatch says that the Dayton flood was due to the breaking of the power dam north of the city.  Appeals for troops have been sent out.

Almost Entire State Cut Off From World - Practically the entire state of Ohio was cut off from communication with the outside world, property valued at millions was destroyed and many lives were lost and scores of towns are under water, as the result of floods due to the rains of the past few days.

Big River At Zanesville

The Bell Telephone Company this afternoon, received a report from Government Engineer Mosier at Zanesville, which said that a flood stage in the Muskingum river is expected there.  The river is rising at Zanesville at the rate of six inches per hour and the rainfall has been the heaviest in years.  The stage above the Zanesville dam was thirteen feet and below it, twenty-four feet.

A report from Wheeling is that the Ohio river is falling there.  The Allegheny river at Pittsburgh is reported to be pouring a great volume of water into its tributaries, but no flood warning was issued there.

What Forecaster Howe Says

Forecaster Howe, of Parkersburg, stated at three o'clock, this afternoon, that the rainfall was general over the Ohio Valley and that the Ohio River would continue to rise.  A flood stage depends entirely upon the rainfall in this section in the next twenty-four hours.

The amount of rainfall registered in this city, today, at the home of Professor Biscoe, was six-tenths of an inch.

Below is given today's Weather Bulletin issued from the Parkersburg observatory, this morning:

The low pressure area extends from the middle West northeastward over the Ohio valley, showing much energy and attended by heavy rain from the middle West to the lower Lakes.  In most sections of Ohio the amounts exceed two inches and a fall of 3.88 occurred at Saint Louis.  High to gale winds were also reported.  The pressures also continue low in the Southwest and middle Plateau sections.

The entire Northwest, upper valleys and most of the Lake region are covered by a high pressure, much colder weather area.  This area is closely following the storm.

Colder weather, probably setting in this afternoon, is expected tonight and Wednesday, with rain.

Local data:  Highest temperature, yesterday, 75 degrees; lowest, last night, 59 degrees; rainfall, 0.05.


H. C. Howe, Section Director

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