Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Belpre's Martha Washington Tea Party

The Marietta Times, May 5, 1881

The Martha Washington Tea Party given by the Ladies' Temperance Union in the basement of the congregational Church last Thursday evening netted a handsome sum. The attendance was much larger than the most enthusiastic workers anticipated. Early in the afternoon a rain storm set in which made things look unfavorable for success, but long before night people commenced gathering, and by 8 o'clock the house was densely packed.

Two large tables were spread, one representing an old-fashioned entertainment with olden time dishes (some of which were 100 years old) with pork, baked beans, doughnuts, corn bread, &c., and presided over by Mrs. A. W. Glazier as Martha Washington, dressed in olden time costume. In fact, we are told that some thought she was the veritable Martha Washington. The hostess was assisted by six young ladies with short dresses and low shoes. 

The other table was gotten up in a more modern and fashionable style, being loaded down with all the delicacies that could be procured with Mrs. James Mitchell as Lucy Hayes at the head of the table, assisted by six young ladies in fancy costume. 

Beside the large tables there were side tables with ice cream, cakes, candies and flowers, which were for sale at reasonable prices. Everything was sold and ate up except a very large fine cake donated to the Society by Mr. and Mrs. James Daniels of the steamer Hudson. The cake was offered for sale, but not bringing a satisfactory price, was presented by the ladies to Mrs. Lucy Hay(s) Mitchell. The proceeds will be devoted to the furtherance of the temperance cause in this community.

This is said to be the most social gathering ever had in Belpre. Old and young, rich and poor, high and low, were gathered seemingly not only to have good old-fashioned social time, but to make this a new starting point from which to push the temperance cause with renewed vigor in this community.

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