Ohio Gazette and Virginia Herald, May 21, 1810
The subscriber has the pleasure to inform his friends and the public, that, after great trouble and expence, he is enable to announce the commencement of his business in Marietta, contiguous to the Court House; and that he intends to carry it on in a manner both extensive and elegant. From many years experience, and a desire to be "at the top of his profession," he does not deem it an "inadmissible insinuation" to assure the public that he will be found to possess claims upon their patronage, to which few of the craft in this country have any just pretention.
Having, as before observed, made extensive preparations, and supplied himself with every article necessary to the execution of his work in a superior style, he will sell by wholesale and retail, on terms congenial to the wishes of his customers; and will, moreover, warrant his ware to prove more durable, cheaper, handsomer and in every respect preferable to any manufactured in this state. Orders from the country complied with on the shortest notice, and most reasonable terms.
Country produce will be taken in payment for ware, but must be paid at the time of purchasing.
He will give the highest price for good white clay, or will liberally reward any person who will inform him where it can be obtained in this vicinity.
Isaac Davis.
Marietta, March 6, 1810.
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