Friday, December 24, 2010

Find Mash At Porter House

The Marietta Daily Times, December 15, 1922

An early morning raid conducted by Sheriff Roberts and the Marietta police at the home of Glen Porter on the state road in Warren township, just east of Tunnel hill, unearthed four barrels of mash and proved to the satisfaction of the officers that they had turned up another moonshine plant of considerable proportions.

The house was dark when they arrived, but they aroused Mrs. Porter and were admitted.  She told the officers that her husband was out skunk hunting and the presence of a goodly stock of fresh pelts about the place convinced them that the story was true.  They searched the place and found about four barrels of rye mash, some in the cellar and some in an old granary.  They procured samples of the mash then dumped the contents of the barrels.

Word was left with Mrs. Porter to have her husband come in and surrender at noon on Friday, when he was to be taken before Mayor Sandford.

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