Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Disorderly House

The Marietta Daily Times, Monday, April 10, 1905

Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Smith and Mrs. Hattie Martin, who live together at the former's home in the upper end of the city, were placed under arrest Saturday afternoon and are now in the county jail.

For several years complaint has been made by people living in their neighborhood that the women, who were the Tucker sisters before their names were changed by marriage, were conducting a disorderly house. On that charge the prisoners were arraigned this morning. All three of them plead not guilty and they were locked up to await a hearing Wednesday morning at 8:30 o'clock.

A large number of witnesses for the prosecution and several for the defense will be subpoenaed.

Smith made a statement in court this morning protesting his innocence and that of his wife and declaring that they are being persecuted and tormented by the people of their neighborhood.

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