Wednesday, July 31, 2024

The K. K. K.'s In Marietta!

 The Marietta Register, November 16, 1871

Fearful Doings - A Citizen Attacked - One of the Klan loses some Blood at the hands of another.

The K. K. K.'s have at length made their appearance in Marietta. No need of being startled, reader. Ours is not the much-feared Ku Klux Klan that spread such terror in the South. Our Klan would never attempt to harm anybody, except in case they could strike at a fearful disadvantage to the party they would attempt to injure.

Ours is known as the Kiss-me-Katy Klan - is of very recent origin - and thus far embraces only two members.

These two, within the past week issued an infamous card against one of our citizens and his household. On being interviewed in regard to the slander, they flew into a passion, showed fight two to one, and actually assailed one of our citizens with bricks! 

The older member of the Klan, being a little more courageous than the other, pressed the citizen a little too closely and was promptly floored on the pavement. The other member of the Klan, standing at a safe distance, bravely exclaimed: "Let us go into him, father!" But the old man was powerless to "go in," being held firmly in close contact with the pavement.

The son, to relieve the father, came forward, striking frantically with a brick, and in his wild rage made a mislick, striking his father a violent blow in the forehead and laying him out so effectually that the melee came to an abrupt end. Blood flowed profusely, and the sight of this chilled the courage of the unhurt member of the Klan, who had pressing business down town in search of a physician.

A burly magistrate appeared on the ground just in the "niche of time," and order was restored, and the wounded cared for. All is peace now on Second Street, above Scammel, but the battle ground will ever remain a memorable spot - to the Klan.

Seriously, is it not time that this business of slandering citizens, which the Kiss-me-Katy Klan have so long indulged in from their safe lodge in the third story of a building should be stopped by the Klan, or otherwise? We submit this question to a long-suffering community.

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