Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Sheriff's Sale - Levi Cole

American Friend, & Marietta Gazette, April 2, 1828

At the House of Levi Cole, in Marietta, on the 12th instant, at 10 o'clock A.M. I shall offer for sale, at public vendue, the following property, viz.

One saddle and bridle, one cupboard, and one spade, one table, one stand, six windsor chairs, 3 kitchen chairs, one clock and case, one looking Glass, one hearth rug, give pieces carpeting, 3 bed-steads and cords, one pair candle sticks, one tin pail, one chest, one sow and 7 pigs, two hives of bees, 2 barrels, 2 towels, 3 sheets, 3 table-cloths, one corn basket, one shovel and one floor brush.  Taken in execution at the suit of Thomas Shewel vs. Levi Cole.

Jesse Loring, Sheriff,
by Amost dunham, Dep. Shff.

April 1, 1828.

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