Thursday, January 17, 2013


American Friend, & Marietta Gazette, March 24, 1829

About the 20th of February last, there came to Circleville, a man who called his name Ballard, and pretended he had a contract on the Canal, a few miles north of this town.  He went to a poor black family, and persuaded them to let him have a boy of theirs, about nine years old, to reside with him.  It has since been ascertained that no man of that name has a contract on the Canal, and after diligent search for the man and boy, they are not to be found.  The only trace that can be had of them is that they were seen a few miles north of Circleville, travelling in an easterly direction and were afterwards seen beyond Zanesville travelling towards Wheeling.

The boy's name is JOHN CARDIFF; he is of slender form, yellow complexion, reddish brown hair, smooth features, and has a small scar on the right cheek bone, and a mark on his forehead of a dark color extending from the eyebrow to the hair on his head, this mark occasionally assumes a redish cast, he is sprightly and good humoured, speaks fluently, and answers very promptly when spoken to.

The man who took him appeared to be about 30 years old, 5 feet 10 or 11 inches in heighth, had black hair and beard, wore a dark green plaid cloak, and rode a light Grey Horse, and from accounts had others horses taking to market, when seen beyond Zanesville.  He was but a short time in Circleville, and has no doubt procured the boy for the purpose of selling him into Slavery.  It is probable he will offer him in Virginia or Maryland.  All persons of humanity are therefore requested to interfere and rescue the boy from his grasp, and immediately give information to the Post Master in Circleville, Ohio; that the child may be restored to his parents and to freedom.

N.B.  All printers friendly to the rights of man are requested to give this one or two insertions.

Olive Branch.

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