Thursday, February 13, 2014

New Foundry

American Friend & Marietta Gazette, January 24, 1829

The subscribers respectfully inform the public generally, that they have commenced a new foundry in Marietta, called the "Washington Foundry," situated on the West side of the Muskingum River, a few rods north of the Steam Mill.  Having supplied themselves with the very best quality of Pig mettle, and from their long experience in the business, they flatter themselves that they can give every satisfaction.  All kinds of castings can be had on the shortest notice, either wholesale or retail at the most reduced prices, for cash or approved country produce, at the market price.

Dobbins & McElfresh.
Marietta, Jan. 22d, 1829.

N.B.  One half a cent per pound will be give for old castings, delivered at the Foundry.


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