Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Boat Building Great Industry

The Register-Leader, May 6, 1907

Hammitt Construction Company Will Have Large and up to Date Plant.

The work of remodeling and re-arranging the old Knox boat yards to make way for the Hammitt Construction Co., which recently took over the large plant, is well under way and already the construction of river craft is well in hand.  Several new pieces of machinery are being installed and the plant placed in shape to handle any kind of work that may come up in the promotion of steamboating and river business.

At this time there are three gasoline launches on the ways receiving an overhauling and a large sand digger is all but completed.  It is expected that within a few days the keel for a large steamboat will be laid.

The Knox boat yard has enjoyed a successful business since about the year 1800, and its reputation extends far and near.  Mr. Hammitt will, no doubt, continue to merit this standing and his acquaintance among river men will insure the bringing of much boat building to this city.


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