Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Naming the New Hotel

The Marietta Register, November 24, 1891

The name of a public house or hotel should be in keeping with the outside surroundings, and the inside management as well.  It often seems very appropriate to connect some prominent historic interest with the name.  The query arises, what has Marietta left that has not been used until it is threadbare?  Were it not for this, such names as "The Whipple House," "Putnam House," or "Hotel Putnam" and "Hildreth House" might be suggested.  "The St. Clair" reads much more euphonious than the record of the man, so far as concerns this locality.  "River View," "Riverside," "Grand View" and Crescent" seem too commonplace.  The balance of the names suggested, like "The Marietta," seem too silly to notice.

As it is something so new for this city to have a first-class hotel, it will not be in keeping to call it "The Pioneer," "The Century" or "Old Northwest."  The name must not be effeminate, so nothing in this line can be considered.

It cannot be named for any person in political prominence, for what Republican would be willing to stop at "The Cleveland," or "Campbell's Inn," or what Democrat would put up at "The Harrison House" or "Hotel McKinley"?

"The Columbia" or "Columbian" is very appropriate, when the year of completion is considered.  There are many tribes of Indians who frequented this section, that would lend a pretty name.  The Delawares, Wyandots and Seneca's, or even old Tecumseh, who has made these hills ring with the echo of his war-whoop and perverted the rays of the sun by the polished steel of his battle-axe.  No question could be raised against any of these, unless they might cause a nightmare among the timid sleepers who were sheltered beneath its roof.

Considering the location, "The Aurora" or rising sun is not objectionable, but rather common.

Marietta has the historical right to perpetuate the name of Lafayette, and this is the name the writer proposes to leave with the readers.  It occupies the spot near where Lafayette landed.

The person having the honor of selecting a name that will please all will find the task even more arduous than raising the funds and completing the structure.


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