Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Fire Fighter of Ye Old Days Is No More

Marietta Daily Journal, January 10, 1917

The Niagara, replica of Marietta's old fire fighting days, which has lain idle at the West Side Fire House for several years, has finally been cast aside.  The old engine was no longer of any use in the protection of the city against the fire evil, and so had to make room for more up to date apparatus.

During the shadows of Tuesday night, the firemen of the city department hauled the old machine out of its "stall" and to the shop of a local junk dealer, where it was disposed of for a sum of about $150.  All that was saved of this replica of other days was the large brass plates that bore the name of the engine and the date of its purchase.

The Niagara, it will be remembered, was purchased by the town of Harmar about the year 1870, and for years had been stationed at the West Side station.  During the many years of service that it experienced, the engine was manned by the "old guard" on Harmar's fighting force, and answered scores of alarms.  When the newer horse drawn fire apparatus was purchased the old steam engine was laid aside.

The engine would have been sold long ago but for the request of a number of the older residents that it be kept as a replica of the good old days.  But now, with the installation of the new motor apparatus, and the removal of the West Side department into their new home, there is no vacant room for the old fire fighting machine, hence its disposal.

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