Saturday, March 3, 2012

Anti-Slavery Society Meeting

Marietta Gazette, November 11, 1836

A meeting of the Washington County Anti-Slavery Society was held in the Baptist meeting-house, on Monday, 17th Oct.  The meeting opened by prayer by the President, Rev. Luke De Witt.  The proceedings of the last meeting were then read, and on motion the committee appointed to prepare a petition to Congress, respecting slavery in the District of Columbia, made their report, which was accepted.  The Secretary gave notice that the pledge of $50 made to the State Society had been paid in and forwarded.  Sundry accounts are allowed, a contribution taken up, the constitution read, and twelve additional names reported.  On motion a committee was appointed comprising the following gentlemen, whom the society request to circulate the petition in this county, viz:  Messrs. T. Post, J. C. McCoy, L. Temple, Marietta; J. M. Amlin, Fearing; D. G. Stanley, Salem; William Hill, Lawrence; John Newton, Ludlow; Philo Matthews, Wesley; ____ Garrard, Adams; H. Jackson, Aurelius; James Lawton, Barlow; T. Ridgeway, Union; S. Haynes, Decatur; Joseph N. Ford, Watertown; Thomas H. Cory, Waterford; John Stone, Belpre; J. J. Hollister, Warren; Charles Talbot, Grandview; William Greene, Newport; Nathan Procter, Roxbury.  The following resolutions were then offered.

By Mr. T. Post,
Resolved, That the past success and present prospects of the Anti-Slavery cause should inspire us with renewed confidence in its principles and measures.

By Mr. John C. McCoy,
Resolved, That this Society disclaim any intention to treat disrespectfully any person or any communication addressed to them as a Society; and therefore recommend to the officers of this Society to pursue a conciliatory course. 

The Secretary elect immediately resigned and Mr. Luther Temple was then appointed.  The meeting adjourned till afternoon.  On resuming the Exercises, an interesting address was delivered by Rev. Bennet Roberts of Watertown.  The following resolutions were then offered, and unanimously adopted.

By James M. Amlin,
Resolved, That a committee be appointed to draft a memorial to Congress for the grant of a tract of land for the free people of Color.

By S. Hall,
Resolved, That the cordial thanks of this society be returned to the building committee of this house, for their hospitality in opening it to our reception and their unflinching firmness of purpose thereto, after manifest symptoms of mobocratic violence.

By the same,
Resolved, That the deepest gratitude and highest praise is due to our worthy Mayor, Anselm T. Nye, for the noble and patriotic stand taken by himself on this occasion in protecting us from lawless violence while in the exercise of our dearest rights, guaranteed to us by the constitution and laws of our native land, inasmuch as his example is among the foremost of such a redeeming spirit in our country, from the all devouring vortex of pro-slavery proscription.

By G. W. Bancroft,
Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting with its attending circumstances be published in the Marietta Gazette or some other weekly periodical.

After prayer the Society adjourned to hold the annual meeting in Salem.

Luke De Witt, President.
Samuel Hall, Secretary.

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