Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Sheriff's Sales

American Friend, & Marietta Gazette, October 4, 1828

By virtue of a writ of fi fa &c. issued from the court of common Pleas of Washington County, against Philip Cole and others, in favor of the President Directors & Co. of the Bank of Marietta, I shall offer for sale at public vendue at the house of Levi Cole, in Marietta, on Saturday the 18th inst. at 10 o'clock A.M. the following property which has been turned out to satisfy said execution, viz. three bed quilts, four pillows, two feather beds, two straw do., three sheets, one bolster, one bureau, one writing desk, one brown horse, one gray mare, one bay mare and two yoke of oxen.
ALSO - On the same day at 1 o'clock P.M. at the house of Nathaniel Clark, I shall offer as above, one bay horse, saddle and bridle, one bureau, one small case of drawers, two candle stands, one set of windsor chairs, one great chair, one bed, bedstead and bedding, and a quantity of crockery ware, taken as the property of Nathaniel Clark, at the suit of Charles Petty.

Jesse Loring, Sheriff.
By Amost Dunham, Dep'ty.

October 1st, 1828.

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