Tuesday, September 17, 2013

A Sad Accident

The Marietta Times, April 14, 1881

A Boy Shot Dead.

A very sad case of accidental shooting occurred on Tuesday afternoon, by which Elmer P. McGirr, a boy about fourteen years of age, a son of Mr. A. C. McGirr, the Front street gunsmith, lost his life.  It appears that he in company with several other boys on their way home from the Washington street school had a very small single barrel cartridge pistol belonging to a son of Mr. L. S. Brown, but it was in the possession of William Schramm, a ten year old son of Mr. John Schramm, on Second street.  When near the corner of Third and Washington streets, the Schramm boy attempted to cock the pistol while Elmer McGirr stood near to him.  By some means the hammer slipped and the pistol was discharged.  The ball entered McGirr's left breast, and we are informed severed the pulmonary artery, which caused instant death.  The parents of both children are nearly distracted and have the sympathy of all.  The funeral of McGirr will take place this Thursday afternoon, provided his sister, Miss Lucy, who has been attending school at Mansfield, reaches home in time.

Such occurrences as this should cause parents and teachers to exercise great caution in order to prevent school children from carrying pistols and other dangerous weapons.

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