Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Death of George Carny

The Marietta Intelligencer, June 1, 1848

Post Office, Beverly, Ohio,
May 24, 1848.

Dear Sir:  On the 8th of May, inst., a man called George Carny, was drowned at the Beverly dam, on the Muskingum, and was found on the 15th inst.  An inquest was held on the body, and the jury reported no violence perceivable.  Five dollars and sixty-five cts. was found upon his body - no papers of any description found with him.  It is thought best to have his death announced in your paper, and request you to send one copy to some of the editors in Pittsburg, as the man in question got on the steam boat at that place, and probably has some kindred in Pittsburg, and if so this notice might be of some satisfaction to his relatives.

Yours very respectfully,
John Keyhoe, P.M.

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