Saturday, April 16, 2011

Defence of Marietta

Marietta Intelligencer, May 1, 1861

1st Regiment of Light Artillery

On the 21st inst., the following dispatch was sent to Columbus from this place:

Marietta, O., April 21, 5 o'clock, P.M.

To Gov. Dennison:  It is rumored that rebel troops are on their way to Parkersburg, Va.  We do not know how much credit to give this report.  It is however reasonable to suppose that Parkersburg, being the terminus of one branch of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, will be made in any event a base of operations by the rebel military, and that we are in danger of being overrun by foraging parties and perhaps worse events.  We therefore feel that an absolute necessity exists of being at least prepared with a full supply of arms and ammunition, of which we are wholly destitute.  We may also need more troops than can be raised on the border, and experienced drill officers.  We shall at once organize a home guard which we believe it to be of the utmost importance to arm.  We want especially cannon, and as many as we can have.  We think there can be no possible doubt of the existence of an overwhelming necessity for the occupancy of this point and Belpre, opposite Parkersburg at once.  A messenger will leave for Columbus to-night.

A. T. Nye
President of City Council.
Melvin Clarke, of Maj. Hildebrand's Staff.

In response to this message and to the personal application of B. Gates, Esq., the messenger alluded to above, the First Regiment Light Artillery, 3d Brigade, 4th Division of Ohio Volunteer Militia was ordered to Marietta for the defence of this immediate vicinity.  The Regiment consists of six companies, of 20 members each.  The following is a correct list of the officers:

James Barnett, Colonel.
S. B. Sturges, Lieut. Col.
C. S. Gates, Major.
A. Townsend, Quarter Master.
R. Crawford, Quarter Master Sergeant.
E. Sterling, Surgeon.
C. E. Ames, Surgeon's Mate.
W. R. Simmons, Capt. Company A.
J. G. Mack, Capt. Company B.
F. W. Pelton, Capt. Company C.
Percy W. Rice, Capt. Company D.
Louis Heakman, Capt. Company E.
D. Kinney, Jr., Capt. Company F.

The ground selected for their encampment is the Fair Ground, about a mile from the Court House, where they have an excellent place for parade and drill.  The camp has been appropriately named Camp Putnam, after Gen. Rufus Putnam.

This regiment is composed of a fine set of men, thoroughly drilled and skillful in the use of their guns.

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