Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Enthusiastic Meeting

Marietta Intelligencer, April 24, 1861

A call for a meeting of the citizens of city and county, at the Court House last Wednesday evening, brought together the largest assemblage convened in Marietta for years.  The Court room was crowded to its utmost capacity, and hundreds were unable to effect an entrance.  The beautiful banner belonging to the Union Blues was suspended over the Judge's bench.  Melvin Clarke, Esq., was called to preside.  He made a stirring patriotic speech on taking the chair.

The members of the new Company were called out and on presenting themselves within the bar, were received with rapturous applause.  After a national air by the Young America Band, the meeting adjourned to the green in front of the Court House.  It was then addressed by George P. Buell, Esq., of Cincinnati.  Mr. Buell made a very spirited, rousing speech.  From his former relations with some of the secession leaders, he was able to expose their treasonable schemes, and to show them up in no very enviable light.  Though formerly a strong partizan, he now knew no party but the Union party.  He cared not what a man had been, if he was now for sustaining the honor of his country and flag.  He made strong appeals to all to rally to the support of the Government.  His remarks were frequently interrupted by the most enthusiastic cheering.

George M. Woodbridge was next called out, but declined to make a speech.  He, however, introduced John Welch, Esq., of Athens, who spoke eloquently for half an hour in defence of the Union, the Constitution and the Laws.

Mr. Clarke made another little speech, full of patriotic fire and zeal.

In the meantime the cannon boomed forth defiance to the traitors, a large bonfire shed a genial light and warmth on the assembly and the band stirred the soul with "Hail Columbia," "The Star Spangled Banner," and other National airs.  After the speeches, Capt. Buell read the names of those who had enlisted, and invited others to respond to the call for the defence of the country.  Several volunteers offered themselves.  The company then marched through some of the principal streets, headed by the Band, and the citizens quietly dispersed.

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